didnt go for disney outing today.. didnt go to huan dao, didnt go eat ice cream and see stars, didnt go hall bash. i hate it... missing out a lot of fun..
we had our appreciation dinner where hmm.. yar. i saw him.. lol.. my gtf is actually very popular among e others.. haha.. so my yan guang also nt bad de! =)I had a lot of fun.. doing jumping shots with my fellow b ones.. then my camera spoil when i had to take some ' jing dian' photo.. no time to go repair.. the whole lens is blur one loh..
we took jump shots while waiting for others in the mrt..
took jump shots at the bus interchange.. got ppl looked at us.. haha. but we dun care loh.. =)
B ONE =) not the full strength though.. but we are the sector which most ppl came.. yay!

my gtf is in the background.. haha =)

on sat, i travelled all the way to plaza sing to watch UP then in the end.. UP was sold out. yes. not even selling fast but sold out.. its so long already.. then just went shopping with wh..
anyway, saw my friend msn nick.. very interesting..
"a mugger cannot be killed.. you cant kill something that has no life.." haha =)