Thursday, July 16, 2009 @ Thursday, July 16, 2009
Donno why but blogger was down for my com so wasnt able to blog..
NE1 was cool..haha.. currently still loving my NDP usher job.. went to jy pri last week.. then all the pri 5 kids so excited.. but.. the teachers were rather fierce. but no choice. if not fierce its really hard to control..

I was quite blur as to all the procedures and stuff.. lucky got yihan and jerald who guided me and stuff.. and all the students settled down really fast..
We werent supposed to use the camera during work.. so I got one nice friend whom I saw to take a pic of us. =)

This was my dinner.. got this from someone's photos. It doesnt look or taste nice cause the pizza is cold and the chicken sticks to the cardboard.. but glad that I had dinner..

It was a great night.. I didnt take much photos cause I am not allowed to do that.. and it was shocking that the Deputy PM talked to qiwei. haha. omg. then his face filled the whole screen..

After this photo was taken.. some time later.. it POURED!! yes POURED not rain leh.. it was when everyone was super high, singing stand up for singapore and when the fireworks lit up.. the rain came. it was super big lar. with a little lightning somemore.. it was so big that I had to like clean my face donno how many times cause I cant even see clearly..
I stood there in the rain with my torn poncho covering my pouch that contains my hp and camera.. and sang the national anthem and the pledge. It was a great experience though.. It is hard to get such experience lar. It was rather messy and all the sch like jammed lar. cause all schs want to go.. but we managed to clear and then..
I SAW CHET!! .. but I was at my most unglam moments.. its realli happy to see someone u know and its a gd friend.. but i was like drenched from head to toe and wearing this plastic poncho looking like super unglam and omg. yes!! horrible.. didnt know until I saw myself in the reflection on bus.. I was so wet that I couldnt sit on the bus.. So sad.. didnt take a pic with chet.. but i dun care loh. I would take one with chet one day. its really memories.. got 2 more NE to go, 1 preview and 1 actual.. if got chance, I also want go find qiwei take pic.. his uniform super cool lar..
Another photo.. I thought this heart is realli nice. in here not realli nice lar. but if see on actual, its realli a nice formation. gd job to all the ndp performers.. they worked really hard =)

Sunday.. was kind of like feeling a bit lonely. .donno why.. couldnt get the " incident" off my head and decide to call kon celia and chet to chill..
we went oasis.. chet was a bit sick.. celia a bit tired.. feel kind of bad. but I felt that it was a gd gathering..
I donno why but I feel like knowing him more.. its like, there is a lot of things that is happening but he dun say. although I know him for so long, it feels like I dun know him at all.. feel kind of sad.. but. haiz. How I wish we four plus May can be like happy forever.. always keep in touch.. share problems.. happy stuff.. yar loh. then even when i forty years old.. or seventy years old.. we can still like meet and chill =)
Thursday, July 16, 2009 @ Thursday, July 16, 2009
Donno why but blogger was down for my com so wasnt able to blog..
NE1 was cool..haha.. currently still loving my NDP usher job.. went to jy pri last week.. then all the pri 5 kids so excited.. but.. the teachers were rather fierce. but no choice. if not fierce its really hard to control..

I was quite blur as to all the procedures and stuff.. lucky got yihan and jerald who guided me and stuff.. and all the students settled down really fast..
We werent supposed to use the camera during work.. so I got one nice friend whom I saw to take a pic of us. =)

This was my dinner.. got this from someone's photos. It doesnt look or taste nice cause the pizza is cold and the chicken sticks to the cardboard.. but glad that I had dinner..

It was a great night.. I didnt take much photos cause I am not allowed to do that.. and it was shocking that the Deputy PM talked to qiwei. haha. omg. then his face filled the whole screen..

After this photo was taken.. some time later.. it POURED!! yes POURED not rain leh.. it was when everyone was super high, singing stand up for singapore and when the fireworks lit up.. the rain came. it was super big lar. with a little lightning somemore.. it was so big that I had to like clean my face donno how many times cause I cant even see clearly..
I stood there in the rain with my torn poncho covering my pouch that contains my hp and camera.. and sang the national anthem and the pledge. It was a great experience though.. It is hard to get such experience lar. It was rather messy and all the sch like jammed lar. cause all schs want to go.. but we managed to clear and then..
I SAW CHET!! .. but I was at my most unglam moments.. its realli happy to see someone u know and its a gd friend.. but i was like drenched from head to toe and wearing this plastic poncho looking like super unglam and omg. yes!! horrible.. didnt know until I saw myself in the reflection on bus.. I was so wet that I couldnt sit on the bus.. So sad.. didnt take a pic with chet.. but i dun care loh. I would take one with chet one day. its really memories.. got 2 more NE to go, 1 preview and 1 actual.. if got chance, I also want go find qiwei take pic.. his uniform super cool lar..
Another photo.. I thought this heart is realli nice. in here not realli nice lar. but if see on actual, its realli a nice formation. gd job to all the ndp performers.. they worked really hard =)

Sunday.. was kind of like feeling a bit lonely. .donno why.. couldnt get the " incident" off my head and decide to call kon celia and chet to chill..
we went oasis.. chet was a bit sick.. celia a bit tired.. feel kind of bad. but I felt that it was a gd gathering..
I donno why but I feel like knowing him more.. its like, there is a lot of things that is happening but he dun say. although I know him for so long, it feels like I dun know him at all.. feel kind of sad.. but. haiz. How I wish we four plus May can be like happy forever.. always keep in touch.. share problems.. happy stuff.. yar loh. then even when i forty years old.. or seventy years old.. we can still like meet and chill =)

20 years old
Loves ice-cream
Thankful for my friends and family