Friday, June 26, 2009 @ Friday, June 26, 2009
Its time to update my monotonous blog..
Lousy quality photos cause all taken by my phone camera which dont event have auto focus.. donno why these few days forever forget to bring camera..
T3 has this lego event.. so like got diff models made of lego.. then during my break i will like go walk walk T3 sometimes.. cause my break is 2 hrs..

I think the car is really cool!!
Next up!! My DrumZout event!!IT WAS A HUGE SUCCESS!!Really spent a lot of time and effort for this event.. almost a year of planning.. meetings till like 2am sometimes..holidays also meetings.. finding for sponsors.. know more people.. lots of ups and down.. and finally.. I think our efffort paid off.. Really glad it did.. sacrifice a bit of my studies for this event..
THANKFUL for everyone that came down.. the crowd, the participants, the sub com and the main committee.. without all these people.. I think our event would not be that successful and good. But i dun think i will join next year.. need to brush up on my studies to pull up my GPA.. Some regrets too.. my parents didnt come and watch the event although i hinted that i wanted them to come.. they want watch the "ai" channel 8 show lar.. and i didnt invite my band instructors down cause i also donno lar.. too busy working.. bec its really a good event for all percussionist!! =)
Before the event..

Lots to do for the preparation part.. like blow balloons.. give them out.. promote our event at vivo.. shifting tables, chairs.. goodie bags.. etc. Thanks to jun yuan and yong yi who actually stayed overnight on friday to take care of the goodie bags and stuff!!
it was tedious to pack the goodie bag.. 1000 goodie bags.. packed it on friday.. one day before the event..

The crowd was super good!! LOVES =)

My favourite team and the team who won the open category of $1000 cash.. Voodoo.. They were REAL REAL GOOD!!! =)

My Lovely Biz Mags where we worked hard..

Main com and Sub com
THREE CHEERS to DRUMZOUT!! Hip Hip HURRAY!! =)Father's Day was spent at Swensens. Feel kind of bad cause I had to celebrate in the afternoon cause I had to work at night. It was super pack at Wakaru.. Like OMG lar.. got one table is like eat until $500 plus. But it was quite a big table.. No one wants to take photo so no photos..
Here comes the DrumZout post outing..we went to eat at shokobu ( if I never spell wrongly).
The egg omelette is nice =) but super ex. I never bring camera AGAIN.. and my friend haven upload photos.. used the neoprint machine to take pics..
I think its super record breaking of 17 people taking neoprint.. haha

Then.. my friend wanted to take the Singapore Flyer cause student got discount at $10.
Scenery up there.. actually nothing de lar. didnt really enjoy the view.. busy taking pic with others..
Friday, June 26, 2009 @ Friday, June 26, 2009
Its time to update my monotonous blog..
Lousy quality photos cause all taken by my phone camera which dont event have auto focus.. donno why these few days forever forget to bring camera..
T3 has this lego event.. so like got diff models made of lego.. then during my break i will like go walk walk T3 sometimes.. cause my break is 2 hrs..

I think the car is really cool!!
Next up!! My DrumZout event!!IT WAS A HUGE SUCCESS!!Really spent a lot of time and effort for this event.. almost a year of planning.. meetings till like 2am sometimes..holidays also meetings.. finding for sponsors.. know more people.. lots of ups and down.. and finally.. I think our efffort paid off.. Really glad it did.. sacrifice a bit of my studies for this event..
THANKFUL for everyone that came down.. the crowd, the participants, the sub com and the main committee.. without all these people.. I think our event would not be that successful and good. But i dun think i will join next year.. need to brush up on my studies to pull up my GPA.. Some regrets too.. my parents didnt come and watch the event although i hinted that i wanted them to come.. they want watch the "ai" channel 8 show lar.. and i didnt invite my band instructors down cause i also donno lar.. too busy working.. bec its really a good event for all percussionist!! =)
Before the event..

Lots to do for the preparation part.. like blow balloons.. give them out.. promote our event at vivo.. shifting tables, chairs.. goodie bags.. etc. Thanks to jun yuan and yong yi who actually stayed overnight on friday to take care of the goodie bags and stuff!!
it was tedious to pack the goodie bag.. 1000 goodie bags.. packed it on friday.. one day before the event..

The crowd was super good!! LOVES =)

My favourite team and the team who won the open category of $1000 cash.. Voodoo.. They were REAL REAL GOOD!!! =)

My Lovely Biz Mags where we worked hard..

Main com and Sub com
THREE CHEERS to DRUMZOUT!! Hip Hip HURRAY!! =)Father's Day was spent at Swensens. Feel kind of bad cause I had to celebrate in the afternoon cause I had to work at night. It was super pack at Wakaru.. Like OMG lar.. got one table is like eat until $500 plus. But it was quite a big table.. No one wants to take photo so no photos..
Here comes the DrumZout post outing..we went to eat at shokobu ( if I never spell wrongly).
The egg omelette is nice =) but super ex. I never bring camera AGAIN.. and my friend haven upload photos.. used the neoprint machine to take pics..
I think its super record breaking of 17 people taking neoprint.. haha

Then.. my friend wanted to take the Singapore Flyer cause student got discount at $10.
Scenery up there.. actually nothing de lar. didnt really enjoy the view.. busy taking pic with others..