~ zhuang shu ~


Tuesday, March 24, 2009 @ Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Three more weeks to exams..

and got lots of tutorials still not done.. lectures still haven cover finish.. projects due.. presentations..quizes.. is like WTF. cant the sch just give us a study break.??. it is like three more weeks to exams and they are still covering syllubus.

I realli realli wish TIME CAN STOP..

want to catch up with friends.. not just the pathetic 2 hrs i spent at celia house last week..
dinner with wan hsin and florence and gang..
catch up with amanda and shi hui cause last time i pang sei them
go visit my grandmother cause super long no see her..
go eat dinner with family cause i threw temper when my mum wanted to go out and eat when i have 2 quiz plus 2 proj submission this week.
want to relax and sleep..
sleep means to sleep without setting the timing for the alarm clock to ring but to wake up naturally.
chiong tv drama serials..
go jogging or swimmming.. since mths i did that.

I want my life back!