Monday, March 09, 2009 @ Monday, March 09, 2009
One more month to exams..
seems long.. Not realli.. one week pass by another week..
hmm.. had night cycling from NTU to east coast.. reaching east coast at around 6 plus i think.. it was a OMG experience cause its my first time.. haha.. it was not as fun as it should be cause we had to keep ourself safe by cycling only at the left hand side of the road and everyone was like behind each other so we couldnt tok tok.. cause cant realli hear with the cars like zooming pass you.. but like those stops at the food area allowed us to tok a little.
Lots of apologies for last min not going for the gathering.. guess Shihui and Amanda must be pissed off but I was seriously tired..
It was fun.. esp like its 3am in the middle of the night and you are cycling at PSA there.. passing by vivo city.. its crazy loh.. with the cars honking sometimes.. realised that those cars.. in the middle of the night.. they drive realli super fast.. even those long vehicles.. and there are a lot of them at night.. rather scary when they pass by you.. but safety was realli good with all the senior and two of my friends helping us to block and lead the way..
at like 3 plus am.. I was half cycling half sleeping. haha
Before setting out..

1t stop- at some random coffee shop

2nd stop- West coast mcdonald.. no photos..
3rd stop- flyer there.. got stop at the bridge but my camera was not with me.. so no pic..

Last stop- Phew.. East coast park

If ask me to do this again.. I guess i would say Yes BUT only after exams haha.. realli no time to study liao..
Realli do envy kon and celia that they can gather a while to go out and stuff while I am stuck in school.. having to chiong my tutorials, frantically trying to catch up.. projects and coping with my cca demands too..
I ALSO WANT!! But my father asked my to prioritise lar.. which is true.. after 22 April, I can do whatever I want till August when school starts.. ITS JUST ONE MORE MONTH.. okie.. I am going to tahan and work for my exams.. and I am going to taiwan on the 28th April.. so just one more month..
I will have freedom for 3 mths!! but need to work haha =)
Monday, March 09, 2009 @ Monday, March 09, 2009
One more month to exams..
seems long.. Not realli.. one week pass by another week..
hmm.. had night cycling from NTU to east coast.. reaching east coast at around 6 plus i think.. it was a OMG experience cause its my first time.. haha.. it was not as fun as it should be cause we had to keep ourself safe by cycling only at the left hand side of the road and everyone was like behind each other so we couldnt tok tok.. cause cant realli hear with the cars like zooming pass you.. but like those stops at the food area allowed us to tok a little.
Lots of apologies for last min not going for the gathering.. guess Shihui and Amanda must be pissed off but I was seriously tired..
It was fun.. esp like its 3am in the middle of the night and you are cycling at PSA there.. passing by vivo city.. its crazy loh.. with the cars honking sometimes.. realised that those cars.. in the middle of the night.. they drive realli super fast.. even those long vehicles.. and there are a lot of them at night.. rather scary when they pass by you.. but safety was realli good with all the senior and two of my friends helping us to block and lead the way..
at like 3 plus am.. I was half cycling half sleeping. haha
Before setting out..

1t stop- at some random coffee shop

2nd stop- West coast mcdonald.. no photos..
3rd stop- flyer there.. got stop at the bridge but my camera was not with me.. so no pic..

Last stop- Phew.. East coast park

If ask me to do this again.. I guess i would say Yes BUT only after exams haha.. realli no time to study liao..
Realli do envy kon and celia that they can gather a while to go out and stuff while I am stuck in school.. having to chiong my tutorials, frantically trying to catch up.. projects and coping with my cca demands too..
I ALSO WANT!! But my father asked my to prioritise lar.. which is true.. after 22 April, I can do whatever I want till August when school starts.. ITS JUST ONE MORE MONTH.. okie.. I am going to tahan and work for my exams.. and I am going to taiwan on the 28th April.. so just one more month..
I will have freedom for 3 mths!! but need to work haha =)