currently in hall.. tried studying but failed. decided to blog. i can go home today de. tomorrow no lesson but later got meeting at 9.30pm. sian. but is fun one lar. is meet to learn balloon scupturing from my friend friend so that we can sell during a small carnival thingy to raise funds for our event.
supposed to have a 4 hours seminar but it was last minute cancelled.
can you imagine like tomorrow got lesson than today the lecturer say cancelled?? wa lao. i wait there so long then realised it has been cancelled when i check the computer. lucky is IT class with computers all over.
Happily eating my Subway sandwich which is my second lunch and thinking to lose weight.. I love Subway, Coffeebean and Starbucks.. but all so expensive stuff.. so broke now. is like deficit..
Anyone can teach me how to lose weight with eating. I love food lar. I have to fit into my rather tight fitting new year clothes. Donno why I bought that dress also. nvm.. my stomach is so big from the after effects of 5 day eating 7 dishes and cakes from my malaysia trip.
this week.. I spent money like water.. my father gave me 150 dollars for my new year clothes.. but i spent it all already!!! without buying any clothes. OH MY.. just my accounting book cost me $57. wa piang. bec they change the book loh. irritating. The rest of the money went into eating.. class gathering. bday celebration.. hai yoyo..
1st Jan.
Hall One Pot luck cum Pyjamas gathering

This pic is super cool.. cause is the camera is smile detection than serene dun believe so she HAHAHA with her mouth so big then jiu shi like tat haha..

2nd Jan. Chilli pepper crab with celia kon kon sis and chet