Long time since i updated my blog..
exams over.. donno how is it going to turn out but i did my best..
thank all my friends and family for the support and understanding of burst of emo-ness during the exam period. Holly msg me during my exam period too. rather surprised actually. haha..
lots of things happen recently after my exams.. have been spending money like water i guess..like everyday also go out.. travelling expenses is crazy and i have not been working. oh man..thats bad.. have been emo these few days..like with friends still okie.. but once i am alone.. lots of stuff begin to like sweep past my mind. donno why leh.. can just cry suddenly once smth small happen. haiz. after exams.. i dont seem to feel happy. haha. just feel that there are still lots of things to do and before i know.. sch is going to reopen soon.. been going around singapore shopping.. eating.. oh man.. growing sideways.. cant seem to drop the weight i gained during the exams.. went to find amanda for lunch. realli miss her so much loh.
went to library a few times then saw how ppl book seats.. look at how this person book. haha.. one textbook one file and one bag each on on chair. haha.. is o level de..

went to airport to fetch my father in the middle between my marketing and stats paper cause he coming back from china.. then i went there very early so went shopping around the airport and i saw this!! haha. then of course thought of dear celia. its scary loh. haha. then when i told my sis tat celia like mon chichi, she was like.." you cant keep looking at it.. you will have pimples like the mon chichi" haha. =)

went for breakfast with kon and celia during my exam time and after my exams..
sometimes i eel wierd when i am with them but it is understandable. haha but realli had a great tiem with u guys!! loves
went with kon to serangoon area.. but no photos.. kon busy busy.. must wait long long before he sent. haha =)
went to kbox with wan hsin and cheryl.. still waiting wh to upload her photos. we were damm high and i sang my heart out. haha..

Disney outing!! i didnt know they confirmed the outing loh.. never tell me.. actually i didnt want to go but since i was nearby, i decided to go since jinglin was the only girl. haha. so it became two girls. haha
Russell's 21st birthday.. first time going to a 21st bday party.. realli excited.. the place was super high class.. it was at vivo serenity.. he book almost the whole place and have a singer to sing. oh man.. i drink cocktail and i got a headache after that.. i dun get drunk when i drink alcohol but just a headache. haha.weird. realli enjoyed it..

After the 21st bday celebration, some of us went to walk around vivo and i saw this at Toy R Us. .cool loh.. just specialise in children.. not cheap though.. $18. more ex than wat i usually pay for my haircut.

Disney girls outing..
we went to k again shun bian celebrate melissa and jia yun bday... at top one. was nice.. we called the waiter in just to help us take photo.. then we felt a bit bad so we order the complementary drinks. haha..

My friend sing super loud lar. haha. look at my face and u know. haha =) but it was super funny.

We used the smoke effect thingy.and we took a pic.. it turn out to be like tat.. almost suffocated.

okie.. off to go and do my minutes le.. had a almost 5 hour meeting today.super tired.
May God Bless celia who i think was emo today. Realli pai sei, couldnt go sing song with you cause i was stuck in school bec of a briefing and than had to go for a meeting at Plaza Sing.