~ zhuang shu ~


Thursday, January 29, 2009 @ Thursday, January 29, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year.

Currently feeling the after effects of New Year due to the goodies.. had so much goodies that i gained weight and feel that my spare tire around my waist is increasing.. haha..

Wed started sch with so many tutorials undone, not revised, have not read up ... projects are coming in again.. finding difficulties to cope with my studies now.. just cant understand the concept even though i read thru text book.. always going to the class with a blur face..
I hate it when I learn things slow, thats why I prefer tuition where I can clarify things..

In the past, I could ask my parents to register me for tuition if i face difficulties.. but not in uni anymore.. can ask seniors.. but they also got their own like problems. haix

today's Amanda 20th birthday.. Happy Happy Birthday!!!cant celebrate with her cause like reach home donno what time liao..

okie. one hour to go to my Biz Law Lecture =)