Monday, September 01, 2008 @ Monday, September 01, 2008
on sat i went to my ah ma house.. so long never see her le..
She said she would cook and yippee!! i love my ah ma cooking.. everything she cooks are nice..
The food doesnt look too nice right? but they taste super nice even though they are just simple dishes. haha .=) I ate so much..
Now currently in hall.. feeling tired.. headache after the othelo game..
was feeling very tired and my head was spinning during the game... i dint want to go but i guess just participate in some hall stuff so that i may be able to stay..
now then starting on my tutorials and project.. i think my father is kind of worried abt my balance between my hall activities and my studies.. like he call me so late then i still outside..ppl may ask me why i dun want tell him i in my room but seriously i dun think i shld lie to my father abt my stuff in hall loh..
i will try to balance as much as possible ya.. focusing more on my studies definitely.. although it may compromise a little of social activities like ppl may say i not enthu bla bla..but sometimes no choice lar.. parents and my own expectations..
bought so much food.. stock up a lot too... those containers have a lot of food!! haiz.. its so difficult to go on a diet..

more food in the fridge. haha =)
Monday, September 01, 2008 @ Monday, September 01, 2008
on sat i went to my ah ma house.. so long never see her le..
She said she would cook and yippee!! i love my ah ma cooking.. everything she cooks are nice..
The food doesnt look too nice right? but they taste super nice even though they are just simple dishes. haha .=) I ate so much..
Now currently in hall.. feeling tired.. headache after the othelo game..
was feeling very tired and my head was spinning during the game... i dint want to go but i guess just participate in some hall stuff so that i may be able to stay..
now then starting on my tutorials and project.. i think my father is kind of worried abt my balance between my hall activities and my studies.. like he call me so late then i still outside..ppl may ask me why i dun want tell him i in my room but seriously i dun think i shld lie to my father abt my stuff in hall loh..
i will try to balance as much as possible ya.. focusing more on my studies definitely.. although it may compromise a little of social activities like ppl may say i not enthu bla bla..but sometimes no choice lar.. parents and my own expectations..
bought so much food.. stock up a lot too... those containers have a lot of food!! haiz.. its so difficult to go on a diet..

more food in the fridge. haha =)