i had a wonderful week thanks to celia and kon. haha =)
without them sure no photos de.. and these photos i all found in celia's blog. .haha.. cause she took all the photos..
kon emo cause his piano he say confirm fail but i think wont one lar.. I had to give up watching my last episode of da chang jing then go bei him and celia.. but i mean i okie cause friends mar.. and i watched before le lar. haha.. then i was rather pissed for a while when i reach then keep calling them but no one answer so i just loither around tm loh..
but i saw them then okie le lar.. ya went to eat the.. i forgot the name of the shop le. beside takopachi de.. then we ate..
YES!!! ITS ICE-CREAM.. haha its my loves lar.. i love eating ice cream cause it keeps me HAPPY!! haha.. =) although it makes me fat but i dun care cause can keep me happy too! haha. this ice cream is rather nice..

then i went for my jap lesson.. THANK YOU CELIA.. haha.. they actually walked with me to the comunity centre.. hee hee.. she was like realli tired. but she still run with me and she say must "guo shan guo hai" pai sei arh... i was realli shocked and touched with i finish jap and saw celia and kon waiting for me.. =) ya then we sat at mcdonalds then take random photos loh.haha.. kon was forced by celia and me to clip his hair. haha

i went jogging with celia and kon.. see kon face.. you know why..we in the toilet realli very long. haha.. wa.. realli fun loh..
Sorry to wan hsin and friends cause i say that i will go out with them on thursday then i pang sei again...my mother lar.. last min call me go do relief.. she like so desperate then i okie loh..
I changed my specs le.. Its not realli nice and i think i look uglier.. but i prefer a normal specs lar. haha.. my old one got two white white thing at the side and i saw two boys having the same specs as me.. haha.. but still feeling giddy wearing the specs