long time no blog. guess its time to blog. hee
came back from japan 8 days ago. not bad. haha. enjoyed myself. but the things there very ex.
then the tour guide like bring us to places that sell branded stuff.
the tour i went with have a lot of rich ppl loh. esp one family with three sons. the sons all about twenty two to twenty five like tat. One of the sons bought a Gucci leather card pouch which can onli put like 5 cards and he say " the things they sell are cheap. I bought this leather card case for onli 15o dollars. omg. thats like so much for just one small piece of leather lah. okie. its cheap compared to Gucci stuff but never for me. Our tour guide brought us to this shop tat sells burberry stuff. blue print. this onli can get in japan and its cheaper than the burberry london. much cheaper. A normal london cost abt 3000 sing? but the blue print costs 500 dollars. oh my. tats cahep to some ppl. a couple even bought one each lah. 4 ppl bought the bags.
went to universal studios. suck totally. just nice that day clash with holidays so i had to queue for like ages for one ride. end up getting scolded by parents for not planning. but the stuff was nice lah.. no time loh. sianz.

then i went hello kitty land and the things so ex that i didnt buy anything but take photos.
but the mother with three sons bough bags of stuff..

i went disney land. okie. it was fun.. queueing was bad. cause it was a sunday and sch holidays. sian. but rather fun.. didnt queue for pop corn although i wanted the box. cause queuein just for pop corn takes one hour. things so ex. just bought one ezlink card holder.

my tour ppl. bought large bags of stuff.siao one. so ex leh. all rich ppl.
count down in plane. not fun but rather new experince cause like me and my sis count down loh. and i didn know the exact timings too.
things ex. high standards of living= high cost of living.
then i started work. work was okie. tiring. getting another job at airport. will continue blogging tomorrow. tell more stuff abt work toopid airport training.