Thursday, December 07, 2006 @ Thursday, December 07, 2006
today i went to niibori guitar concert... before i went.. i knew it would be gd cause japanese bands are good and thus i thought that japanese guitar essemble shld be gd too.. and IT WAS FANTASTIC!!! OMG!! i wished i could play like them.. some multi talented.. can play flute.. can play drumset.. xylophone.. wa lao.. so pro. haha.. want buy their CDs but too ex liao.. one cd cost $44..
haha.. i enjoyed it a lot a lot :)
Thursday, December 07, 2006 @ Thursday, December 07, 2006
today i went to niibori guitar concert... before i went.. i knew it would be gd cause japanese bands are good and thus i thought that japanese guitar essemble shld be gd too.. and IT WAS FANTASTIC!!! OMG!! i wished i could play like them.. some multi talented.. can play flute.. can play drumset.. xylophone.. wa lao.. so pro. haha.. want buy their CDs but too ex liao.. one cd cost $44..
haha.. i enjoyed it a lot a lot :)

20 years old
Loves ice-cream
Thankful for my friends and family